Your donations make our Master Gardener program grow

THANK YOU for helping us expand our community reach and impact!

2024 Donor List – Fall Appeal

Donors as of December 31, 2024.

GOLD $1000+
E&H Humbly Bumbly Foundation

SILVER $500 – 999
Katherine Anderson
Joan Baldwin
Broadview Garden Club
Renaissance Charitable
Anne Ellett
Jane Johnson
JP Morgan Securities
TJ Johnson
Nancy Marshall
Chris Monger
Richard Newman
Patricia Pierce
Deepak Rajagopan
Dawn Rubstello
Gary Scheider

BRONZE $100 – 499
Anonymous (3)
Joanne Abelson
Janis Arthur
Wendy Blair
Suzanne Broback
Marie Kurka-Brown
Martha Byrne
Bruce Caredio
Robert Connor
Burien-Des Moines Master Gardener Clinic Group
Chris Ensore
Faith Gant
Dave Hanower
Aslaug Haraldsdottir
Gayle Harris
Lucy Homans
Marilyn Hughes
Evan Hundley
Penelope Kriese
Phyllis Kaiden
Audrey Lipps
James Little
Sue Mann
Lynn Meyer
Jeremy Miller
Sam & Ann Miller
Sarah Moore
Helen Parke
Linda Peterson
Patricia Pierce
Daryl Schlesser
Sandy Solack
Mary Ellen Stone
Karen Tollefson
Patricia Tuor
Catherine Ullakko
Robert Vogt
Margaret Windus

Marie Adlhoch
Carol Arnold
Constance Bernt
Judith Bryan
Georgia Brown-Clutter
John Commeree
Christine Correia
Brian Earl
Laurie Gulian
Carol Johnson
Sharon Katsuhisa
Laurie Kever
Janis Kosman
Kathy Kreps
Eileen Little
Mary Ellen Machala
Cheryl Marshall
Mostafa Moktari
Regina Mutter
Sharon O’Grady
Wally & Marilyn Prestbo
Jeannine Seil
Deborah Shuster
Barbara Smith
Carolyn Terry
Debra West
Nicola Whaley
Janet Wick
Alison Wysong

If there are any mistakes in the list or if you desire to remain anonymous, please contact MGF-President <> and we will correct it.