Information for our volunteers

Welcome to your volunteer portal

Organizational Docs

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • By-laws
  • IRS non-profit status
  • MOA Extension/MGFCC

Policies & Procedures

  • Financial Policy
  • Credit Card Use Policy
  • MG Scholarship Awards
  • Personnel


  • Photo Release
  • Event Publicity Request
  • Reimbursement Request
  • In-kind Donation
  • AEC Reimbursement

Member Application

  • On-line Application
  • Printable Application

Videos for MGs

  • Seed Starting
  • Transplanting Seedlings
  • Using Hortsense
  • Using PICOL and other Resources

CEG Shed Inventory

  • CEG Education Storage Bins

Sage Advice

  • Current Edition
  • Archives

MG Photos

  • MG Chelan/Douglas Photos on