Building resilient communities and grass roots support
The Master Gardener Foundation of King County engages in fundraising development in collaboration with the state foundation to culivate public engagement and expand outreach through environmental education programs that inspire, inform, and motivate individuals to make sustainable choices in communities throughout the Puget Sound.
King County Foundation
The Master Gardener Foundation of King County provides over 80% of the financial support for the WSU Extension MG Program in King County. Monetary contributions, educational workshops, and plant sales are our primary sources of funding and helps Master Gardeners better serve residents through our in-person plant clinics, workshops, demonstration gardens, community events, and classroom outreach programs year-round.
King County Events & Education
Support for the expansion to Master Gardener educational presentations and for growing community outreach through plant answer clinics is a primary goal of the King County Foundation. There are educational opportunities throughout the year whose fees help raise funds for even more Master Gardener programs in communities across King County. There are on-line events requiring advance registration and fees as well as free events and workshops that are open to the public of all ages and experience levels. The two major programs are the Growing Groceries talks and Bellevue Demonstration Garden workshops. The Annual Fall Plant Sale and lecture series takes place in September at the Bellevue Botanical Garden of which the Foundation is a partner.
Your Donations Drive our Programs
Donations come from our own Master Gardener volunteers and generous contributions from area residents who benefit from our activities. These donations will allow the Master Gardener program to expand into more diverse areas of our county, add new environmental education programs, and find more ways to meet the urban horticultural needs of the greater King County community. Here are ways to become a supporter.
Washington State Foundation
The Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State is focused on furthering the horticultural education of our volunteers and members of the public in order to provide leadership and training in communities around the state. WSU Extension provides the most current research-based training, resources, and certification to our Master Gardener volunteers, so they may best serve public needs and advance our mission.
The Advanced Education Conference
The Advanced Education Conference (AEC) is an annual event hosted by [WHO?] that is open to the public and takes place every fall. No matter what your gardening experience is, the AEC is a wonderful way to increase your horticultural knowledge and environmental expertise with presentations on soil science, pollinator species, native plants, pruning, integrated pest managment, companion plantings, and habitat restoration strategies. LINK: 2023 AEC Information
State-wide Partnerships
Since its creation in 1973, the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program of Washington state has been a leader in innovative educational programs that serve the needs of our communities and our program volunteers. King County Master Gardeners are proud to partner with WSU Extension to expand and accelerate our environmental education outreach and program development.
Endowment Innovations at WSU
WSU Extension is innovating yet again with the nation’s first Endowed Faculty Chair. The State Foundation is pleased to raise funds to support this position and to ensure the Master Gardeners Program of Washington has a permanent member of the university faculty dedicated to furthering our mission through advanced scientific research at WSU.