Archives Events
BDG Workshops
Mastering Mason Bees: Essential Insights for Successful Spring Pollination
Online via Zoom PlatformSpeaker: Dave Hunter, Owner and Founder of Crown Bees Join Dave for an enlightening session designed for master gardeners. In this workshop, Dave will share his extensive knowledge on how to harmonize with nature to maximize the success of spring pollination with local native mason bee. Learn practical strategies and gain valuable insights that you […]
Gardening with Children
Online via Zoom PlatformGardening with Children. Speaker: Pauline O’Rourke, Extension Master Gardener and Instructor “Living Lab” and “Kids in the Garden” classes at the Bellevue Botanical Garden. Presentation: Bring your children and grandchildren into the garden to learn about our natural world. They will discover where our food comes from, watch pollinators at work, and see how worms help our […]
Plant It Where the Sun Don’t Shine
Online via Zoom PlatformPlant It Where the Sun Don’t Shine. Speaker: Greg Butler, Garden Designer and Educator. Presentation: Here in the PNW, dry shade is a common gardening challenge. Fortunately, there are many species adapted to these conditions, and a plethora of native and exotic plants thrive in the parched shadow of conifers, deciduous woodlands, and north facing walls. We’ll […]
Protecting our Unsung Heros, our Pollinators
Online via Zoom PlatformProtecting our Unsung Heroes, our Pollinators. Speaker: Sue Melgaard, Extension Master Gardener Presentation: For food security and survival of our plant species, pollination is critical and needs to be a high priority. Sue will present how to create a healthy habitat for our pollinator and beneficial insects. Cost to register: $8.00 Register
Understanding King County Soils for Better Gardening
Online via Zoom PlatformUnderstanding King County Soils for Better Gardening. Speaker: Gary Hergert, recent PNW transplant, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska Agronomy-Horticulture. Presentation: To be a successful gardener it is helpful to know the nature of the soil. This presentation will provide a focused look at soil, with something new for everyone. Recent local geology and parent materials that created […]
Rain Gardens
Online via Zoom PlatformRain Gardens. Speaker: Gary Fredericks, Extension Master Gardener. Presentation: We live in an area where we either get too much rain or not enough. If your landscape suffers from being too soggy, WSU Extension Coordinator, Gary Fredricks will discuss an environmentally friendly way to create a native plant oasis that soaks up the extra rainwater. Learn where to place […]
Deer Resistant Gardening
Online via Zoom PlatformDeer Resistant Gardening. Speaker: Adam Romero, Extension Master Gardener. Presentation: This talk explores the tenets and practices of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) through the lens of building a deer resistant garden. Our speaker will draw examples from his own experiences of gardening with extreme deer pressure. He will highlight the practices and plants to build and enjoy […]