Speaker: Cleo Raulerson, Master Gardener. Presentation: Shrubs are a key part of our gardens—there are many shrubs that can provide color and interest throughout the year with limited maintenance. This talk discusses evergreen and deciduous shrubs that grow well in our Western Washington gardens, grouped by genus. Highlighted will be several specific varieties that showcase the […]
Learn about the science of how things grow with Master Gardener Maggie! These hour long presentations are being held at the Redmond Library on selected Saturdays from September 2024 to May 2025. Children ages 7-12 (with an adult) are invited to attend. Each child will receive a kit of program materials and extension activities for […]
The days are noticeably shorter and chillier meaning it’s time to plant next year’s crop of garlic. But don’t forget onions! While often planted in the spring, onions can also be fall planted and allowed to overwinter resulting in an earlier harvest next year. Extension Master Gardeners Lory Armitage and Maria Gerace discuss varieties, planting, […]
The Master Gardener Foundation of King County holds two regular meetings: recurring Board Meetings and an Annual Meeting. Board meetings are regularly scheduled from 7:00-8:30PM the second Thursday of the month, generally via teleconference. Foundation members may attend any Board meeting as observers or by invitation. Contact Board President, president@mgfkc.org, if you would like to […]
Speaker: Sue Goetz, certified Horticulturist. Presentation: There is no need to give up on colorful containers when summer annuals like petunias and marigolds have bit the dust. Plant a cool-weather container that will extend the season well into winter. Tips and techniques to stylize and create creative planters using small evergreens, hardy perennials, and cool weather annuals. […]
Speaker: Laura Matter, Program Director for Natural Yard Care, Tilth Alliance. Presentation: When adding trees, shrubs, and other ornamentals to your garden, it’s important to use the “Right Plant-Right Place” decision making process. This workshop will teach you how to get to know your site, create a garden plan, choose appropriate plants, and give them a […]
Speaker: Jim Olson, Master Gardener. Presentation: Did you get an orchid as a gift, or buy one for its beauty? Thinking of buying one? Go ahead, they’re easier to care for than you think. Learn the unique history and the unique plant tissue velamen that gives orchids their very nature. From this understanding, you’ll learn how […]