If you host education Events in your County

This is the model the State uses for the Advanced Education Conference

Extension Master Gardeners are volunteer community educators cultivating plants, people, and communities since 1973 – and into the future.

Ed Note: If you have classes / conferences in your Chapter, consider this. But also look at MGLearns on the State site for a more extensive treatment……Extension Master Gardeners are university trained, volunteer community educators cultivating plants, people, and communities since 1973 – and into the future.

Our changing climate requires that Extension Master Gardeners stay abreast of cutting-edge, research-based gardening practices so we can give unbiased, valuable advice in our communities. The Master Gardener Foundation of Washington State sponsors the advanced education conference.  It is the top priority of the State Foundation.

The Advanced Education Conference (open to the public)


The Advanced Education Conference is a multi-day event with keynote speakers, classes, and local garden tours. The classes provide required continuing education for Extension Master Gardener volunteers and address important sociologic and environmental issues by teaching research-based horticulture aligning with our Program Priorities.

The Advanced Education Conference is fee based but is also supported by progressive
companies who care about our environment across the state of Washington. Learn about current sponsors.

Local Conferences (open to the public)

Master Gardener class at a greenhouse.

Foundations sponsor local education for you through our Speakers Bureaus, Answer Clinics and Demonstration Gardens. Some foundations sponsor local conferences.  These conferences provide the required continuing education for Extension Master Gardeners and are open to all garden enthusiasts.  Check your local chapter to see if there is a conference near you.