Early Starts, Early Harvests
February 5 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Early Starts, Early Harvests with Extension Master Gardener Anne Neilson.
It’s still mid-winter but don’t be deterred! There are edibles that you can direct sow or plant as purchased seedlings now; others that you might consider raising in seed trays for transplanting in about 6 weeks. Extension Master Gardener Anne Neilson will lead you through a variety of her favorite veggies to start early in the year. These crops produce a wonderful selection of foods to harvest and enjoy by the end of June which opens up space to plant those warm season veggies. Or…maybe you manage a school garden or are planning an extended summer vacation? Early Starts, Early Harvests provides strategies to get the growing going early and allows you take the summer off!
Cost to register: $8.00