Archives Events

GG – Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy Food

Online via Zoom Platform

Husband and wife team David Montgomery and Anne Biklé will tell the long and tangled story of humanity’s relationship with nature’s greatest wallflower—the soil beneath our farms and gardens. Weaving together science and history from their latest book, “What Your Food Ate“, as well as their Dirt Trilogy books, David and Anne will share forgotten […]


GG – Vegetables A to Z

Online via Zoom Platform

From Asparagus to Zucchini, vegetables are delicious, nutritious, and fun to grow. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, each type of vegetable has its own peculiar preferences about soil, light, water, and season. Join Extension Master Gardener Joan Veach as she shares insight into growing a variety of vegetables in our Pacific Northwest climate. You […]


GG – All About Backyard Berries and Small Fruits

Online via Zoom Platform

Master Gardeners Brandon Bray and Gia Parsons will guide you through what it takes to be a successful home producer of raspberries and blueberries. They will also discuss some fruits you may be surprised to find can be successfully grown in our area. Join us to learn about plant selection, planting and growing techniques, pruning, […]


GG – The Cool Season Menu: Peas, Hardy Greens, Carrots and More

Online via Zoom Platform

What do you plant when it’s finally starting to warm up? How do you know when it’s time to plant? Extension Master Gardener Anne Neilson leads you through a variety of her favorite crops to start early in the year that produce a wonderful selection of foods to enjoy. Learn about planting, growing, and enjoying […]


GG – Grow Kale, Broccoli, and Related Cole Crops

Online via Zoom Platform

The Brassicas are a huge family and include horseradish, radishes, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and arugula. These cool weather vegetables are among the first planted each year, and some can be grown throughout the year. This makes Brassicas a helpful group to include in your dinner menu. In this class, Extension Master Gardener Sue Kraemer will […]


GG – Grow Tomatoes, Peppers and Other Edible Nightshades

Online via Zoom Platform

What does it take to be successful at growing tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and eggplants? Join Master Gardeners Sharon Peach and Jean Jones as they share their expertise about cultivar selection, planting, growing, and enjoying this popular plant family.   Register


GG – What Loves Heat!? Cucumbers, Squash, Beans and Melons

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Learn all about the crops that wait until the soil warms up from Master Gardeners Emilie Castle and Jim Olson. Come find out about the varieties that do best in Western Washington as well as tips for planting, growing, and harvesting.   Register


GG – Savoring What You Sow: Roots and Herbs

Online via Zoom Platform

A variety of root crops can be grown in Western Washington— potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, beets, and so many more! Join Master Gardener Margaret MacLeod to learn about how to grow these vegetables and the herbs that enhance their flavor.   Register


The Dry Days of Summer

Online via Zoom Platform

Join us as a trio of Extension Master Gardeners helps you prepare for what lies ahead this summer.  Jim Olson will provide tips on wise watering.  Adam Romero takes a look at IPM strategies for pests and diseases that might be lurking in your July garden. Karen Adams helps you plan what to plant next […]

Your Bountiful Harvest

Online via Zoom Platform

Our Pacific Northwest veggie gardens are in their prime now. Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Sandra Booren has some great advice on ripening, harvesting, and using tomatoes and peppers. EMG Adam Romero discusses IPM strategies for the August garden. Seattle P-Patch gardener Kevin Kelley presents some ideas on how to extend your harvest, including why you […]